
We hear our competitors say: “If it has to be fast, it will be more expensive.” Or if it has to be cheaper: “Then we do it cheap and dirty.” … But is that what you are looking for as a client?! We know it can be done differently.

Our service-portfolio includes:

Progressive Web Apps and Website development
> Wordpress migration to Ninjible development environment
> Website redesign and optimalisation

E-commerce projects
> SEO & CRO for e-commerce
> Email & CRM strategy and implementation

Minimal Viable Products and Prototypes

You find a complete overview of all our services here.
Or check our client cases overzicht.
Ninjible applies manufacturing logistics to IT development. In the golden rule in the world of manufacturing is: fast production + clever processes + precision = lower costs. This is the Ninjible IT philosophy too. You want faster, clever and … cheaper?
Contact us for more information or a free assessment combined with a quote.
Success delivered faster
Progressive Web Apps

Ninjible transforms your existing web environment or mobile application within a few weeks into a Progressive Web App and we guarantee pages speeds that rank among the 5% fastest websites - worldwide.

Do you want even faster? We quickly build a Progressive Web App from the ground up that scores even higher. We guarantee a Google Lighthouse score of 90 or more. And with that you belong to the 3% fastest websites - in the whole world.

Progressive Web Apps deliver the speed and customer experience of a mobile app but are browser based.
E-commerce projects

The Ninjible founders have worked on market leading e-commerce projects. They experienced the same everywhere. The faster your application, the higher your revenue, leads, engagement and overall brand performance. Our mobile first approach combined with clever customer journeys turn visitors into valuable leads and ultimately into returning customers. Working with Ninjible is therefore simply a no-brainer.

Our mobile first approach combined with clever customer journeys turn visitors into valuable leads and ultimately into returning customers. Working with Ninjible is therefore simply a no-brainer.

An e-commerce website with a page load speed of 1 second delivers a 2.5X higher conversion rate than the same page that takes 5 seconds to load. It is that simple.
Minimal Viable Product

Start-ups, scale-ups or corporate incubators share the same challenge, a new strategy needs to be launched quickly and on a budget, so that learnings and improvements happen fast. Developing an MVP is the ideal way to innovate quickly while mitigating risks, testing the waters before the next round of investments.

Quick innovation allows you to stay ahead of the competition. This is especially important if you have to be faster than your competitors. Ninjible has the team and the right MVP development methodology.

What do AirBnB, Picnic and Swapfiets have in common? They all started with a Minimal Viable Product.


Send us your contact details and we’ll get in touch
Success delivered faster